Basketball - Girls (1986 - 1987)

1986-87 Girls Basketball

1986-87 Girls Basketball

Last First CLS HT School POS Rank Year SIAC            
Lander Vicki SR 5'8" BOS G 34 1987 SIAC(1) EP(1) AP(1) IAS      
Starry Diane SR 5'11" MEM F 16 1987 SIAC(1) EP(1) AP(HM)        
Gilliam Frolanda SO 5'6" CEN G 10 1987 SIAC(1) EP(1)          
Gould Thea JR 5'11" HAR C 10 1987 SIAC(1) EP(1)          
Korff Tara SR 5'11" CEN C 10 1987 SIAC(1) EP(1)          
Seib Sheila JR 5'7" MD F 8 1987 SIAC(1) EP(2)          
Seibert Joan SR 5'8" MEM F 8 1987 SIAC(1) EP(2)          
Drumb Terri JR 5'8" CAS F 5 1987 SIAC(1)            
Overton Ron C   CEN Cch 5 1987 EP(Cch)            
McIntyre Carrie SR 5'4" MEM G 3 1987 EP(2)            
Sprinkle Amy FR 5'8" NOR C 3 1987 EP(2)            
Van Meter Christa FR 5' MEM G 3 1987 EP(2)            
Corbitt Rebecca JR 5'4" BOS G 1 1987 EP(HM)            
Crider Shauntrece JR 5'6" RTZ G 1 1987 EP(HM)            
Fellows Stephanie SO 5'7" CEN G 1 1987 EP(HM)            
Goedde Lisa SO 5'8" RTZ C 1 1987 EP(HM)            
Marshall Melissa JR 5'6" BOS F 1 1987 EP(HM)            
Niethammer Jenny JR 6' CEN C 1 1987 EP(HM)            
Overfield Kim SR 5'7" RTZ F 1 1987 EP(HM)            
Simpson Kellie SO 6' MEM C 1 1987 EP(HM)            
Sloan Dee JR 5'7" NOR G 1 1987 EP(HM)            
Smith Deanna SR 5'7" HAR F 1 1987 EP(HM)            
CODES:  SIAC = all conference; AM = Courier all Metro; EP = Evansville Press all city; AP = Associated Press all state; IAS = Indiana All Stars; (1)-(2)-(HM) = selection status  
A player receives 5 points for an SIAC, AC, AM 1st team selection, 3 points for a 2nd team selection, 1 point for an honorable mention; an additional 5 points for an MVP or Player of the Year award
A player receives 12 points for an All-State selection, 8 points for 2nd team, 6 points for an honorable mention, and 12 points for an Indiana All Stars selection