Boys Golf (1973-1974)

1973-74 Boys Golf

1973-74 Boys Golf

Tournament: CITY     SIAC     SECTIONAL     REGIONAL     STATE      
Course: Awarded on dual meet record Fendrich Field par 70   Helfrich Hills par 71   Cascades Course par 71   Old Oakland par 72    
City: Evansville     Evansville     Evansville     Bloomington     Indianapolis      
  TEAM     TEAM     TEAM     TEAM     CHAMPION      
FIRST NORTH 6-0   T.H. NORTH 310   NORTH 318   T.H. NORTH 316   ANDERSON 636    
  Bullock,M     Royer,D 76   Bullock,M 78   Royer,D     Steger,S 151    
  Adcock,M     Holloway,J 77   Adcock,M 80   Holloway,J     Douglass,S 157    
  Duncan,M     Roberts,J 78   Gentry,P 80   Roberts,J            
  Gentry,P     Biel,B 79   Ritter,J 80   Biel,B            
SECOND       NORTH 310   MT. VERNON 318   BLMGTN SOUTH 316   none   E  
        Bullock,M 75   Dunigan,P 75   Cohen,T 75       V  
        Adcock,M 76   Hall,L 79             A  
        Duncan,M 78   Burgess,D 81             N  
        Gentry,P 82   Frederking,S 83             S  
THIRD       VINCENNES 314   HARRISON 325   MT. VERNON 317       V  
        Jackson,J 76   Hoge,M 74   Dunigan,P 77       I  
        Klumpp,D 79   Long,K 80   Buchanan,R 79       L  
        Coleman,J 80   Beisel,L 84   Burgess,D 80       L  
        Mason,K 83   Beck,A 87   Frederking,S 81       E  
1st       Bennett,D BOS 73 Hoge,M HAR 74 Sharp,D COLE 74 Vidimos,S GAND 147  
2nd       Moulton,J THS 75 Dunigan,P MTV 75 Cohen,T BLMS 75 Lapierre,D YRK 150  
3rd       Dunigan,P MTV 75 Williams,J CAS 76 Adcock,M NOR 76 Steger,S AND 151  
4th       Bullock,M NOR 75 Copeland,T BOS 76 Moulton,J THS 76 Marchand,P FRNK 152  
5th       Oakes,D NAL 75 Kaposta,J BNV 77       Douglass,S AND 157  
6th       Royer,D THN 76 Bullock,M NOR 78       Pallgraf,P CRW 158  
7th       Adcock,M NOR 76 Clemens,S TC 78       Kendricks,J CRW 158  
8th       Jackson,J VIN 76 many   79       Pickel,L YRK 158  
9th       Brooks,B CEN 76             Euler,B LAP 158  
10th       many   77